Tuesday 22 April 2014



    食 物之所以会对人的性格有所影响,主要在于其所含的营养成分。例如,蔬菜中钾的含量较高,可促进钠的排泄,能够镇定神经,故常食蔬菜者的性格比较平和;水果 和粗面粉制品含有大量的维生素B,对抑郁症疗效显著;土豆、没有去掉表皮的粗面包以及蔬菜能使人的心情愉快;燕麦中含有使人快乐的物质,所以常常喝燕麦粥 的英国人性格较为幽默。









Thursday 17 April 2014

Multiple IE

One big limitation in Internet Explorer is that we can't run different IE versions on a single system. Its a big problem mainly for webmasters. They design a website but they can't make sure whether the site will look OK in all IE version or not? It might look perfect in IE7 but there are big chances that it might look broken in IE6.
Other browsers like Firefox, Opera, etc allow to run different versions of their browsers on a single system but Microsoft has not made IE in such manner.
So here comes the "Internet Explorer Collection". Internet Explorer Collection allows to run multiple IE versions on a single system. Even you can run them simultaneously. You need to download the EXE file, install it and at the time of installation, you can select which IE versions do you want to install:
The collection contains all IE versions from 1.0 to 8.0:
  • Internet Explorer 1.0 (
  • Internet Explorer 1.5 (
  • Internet Explorer 2.01 (
  • Internet Explorer 3.0 (3.0.1152)
  • Internet Explorer 4.01 (4.72.3110.0)
  • Internet Explorer 5.01 (5.00.3314.2100)
  • Internet Explorer 5.5 (5.51.4807.2300)
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2800.1106)
  • Internet Explorer 7.0 (7.0.5730.13)
  • Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.0.6001.18372)
You can start any desired IE version from Start menu.
Download Link

SIW is a system information tool

SIW is a system information tool, that gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings. It includes detailed specs for CPU, Network, TCP/IP, Memory, Hardware, Users, Network Shares, and more, as well as real-time monitors for CPU, Memory and network traffic. SIW also displays currently active network connections, installed codecs, connected MS SQL and Oracle database servers (if any) and more. A standalone tool that does not require installation.