Monday 27 February 2023

Bitlocker and Portal Lock in Check

 personal account

for a work or school account

Work around To Unlock 

To terminate this BitLocker recovery loop, BitLocker must be suspended from within WinRE. To do so, follow these steps:
  • On the page where you are asked to enter the recovery key, choose the Skip this drive link at the bottom. You should be presented with a menu that will let you get to a command prompt (The sequence is Advanced options -> Troubleshoot -> Advanced options -> Command prompt).
  • Once you have a command prompt, use the following command to check the BitLocker status of the C: Drive:
    • manage-bde -status c:
  • If the status is returned as locked, you must use the following command to unlock it using your recovery password:
    • manage-bde -unlock c: -rp your 48-digit recovery password
  • Once the drive is unlocked, you must use the following command to suspend protection:
    • manage-bde -protectors -disable c:
  • Exit and reboot.
  • The computer should now successfully boot Windows. Once there, use the BitLocker control panel to resume BitLocker protection.



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