Monday 27 February 2023

How can I retrieve my BitLocker Recovery key ?

How can I retrieve my BitLocker Recovery key ?

Here’s a very quick post, if you are not using MBAM and don’t have access to your Active Directory and want to recover your BitLocker key for whatever reason you can quickly do as follows within Windows:-

Open an Administrative Command Prompt and type the following

manage-bde -protectors c: -get

replace the drive letter C: with whatever drive is encrypted.

you’ll see output something like this

BitLocker Drive Encryption: Configuration Tool version 6.2.9200
Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Volume C: [OSDisk]
All Key Protectors

TPM:      ID: {37CE71B7-8FE4-4CA9-9637-42516F599C02}

Numerical Password:    ID: {31514A2F-147C-478C-B6A2-618CD6F66653}


To save your recovery key to a network share use the following script (thanks Klaas)

manage-bde -protectors -add c: -recoverykey c:

And below is the script… modify to suit your network share names…

net use Driverletter Networkshare /user:domain\username password
md driveletter\bitlockerkeys\%computername%
attrib -h -s c:\*.bek
move c:\*.bek driveletter\bitlockerkeys\%computername%

job done


Note: If you have simply locked yourself out of your laptop and don’t know what the BitLocker recovery key is then you can retrieve it using your Microsoft Hotmail account at the following URL



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